A more detailed price range for each individual dog will be discussed during our free Meet & Greet Consultation Salon Tour, while looking at the Dog Size Chart.
A more detailed price range for each individual dog will be discussed during our free Meet & Greet Consultation Salon Tour, while looking at the Dog Size Chart.
Dog-friendly dogs who enjoy socializing are welcome to try out our Basic One-on-Two Course, during which one groomer will take care of two dogs at the same time in a shared room. Price starts from $45/session/dog, and goes up according to the size of dog, coat condition, temperament, the amount of hand scissoring needed (for haircuts).
Dogs who require full attention at all times, dogs who don’t care for socializing, dogs who have certain health concerns, and/or parents who prefer services completed in a more timely manner are welcome to try out our Premium One-on-One Course at $60/hour. One groomer will take care of one dog only in a shared room. This service enjoys all add-ons without extra charge during the grooming session. Services normally take about 1-3 hours.
Those looking for a calmer and more pleasant experience, dog-aggressive dogs, high-energy dogs, and dogs who prefer an extra quiet space just to themselves are welcome to try out our Luxury Private Room One-on-One service at $120/hour. One groomer will take care of one dog only in a private room, with private lounging area and fluff dryer. This service enjoys all add-ons without extra charge during the grooming session. Services normally take about 1-3 hours.
Dog-friendly dogs who enjoy socializing are welcome to try out our Basic One-on-Two Course, during which one groomer will take care of two dogs at the same time in a shared room. Price starts from $45/session/dog, and goes up according to the size of dog, coat condition, temperament, the amount of hand scissoring needed (for haircuts).
Dogs who require full attention at all times, dogs who don’t care for socializing, dogs who have certain health concerns, and/or parents who prefer services completed in a more timely manner are welcome to try out our Premium One-on-One Course at $60/hour. One groomer will take care of one dog only in a shared room. This service enjoys all add-ons without extra charge during the grooming session. Services normally take about 1-3 hours.
Those looking for a calmer and more pleasant experience, dog-aggressive dogs, high-energy dogs, and dogs who prefer an extra quiet space just to themselves are welcome to try out our Luxury Private Room One-on-One service at $120/hour. One groomer will take care of one dog only in a private room, with private lounging area and fluff dryer. This service enjoys all add-ons without extra charge during the grooming session. Services normally take about 1-3 hours.